Her Voice 

Hear the compelling stories of six women artists featured in the exhibition, all of whom chronicled their hopes, dreams, opinions, and frustrations through personal journals and letters.

Scroll down to browse all videos (fully captioned in English).

Marie Bashkirtseff

Marie Bashkirtseff, born 1858 in Russia (Ukraine). A high-spirited, confident artist who died young.


Mary Cassatt

Mary Cassatt, born 1844 in Pennsylvania. She pushed the boundaries of subject matter and technique.


Rosa Bonheur

Rosa Bonheur, born 1822 in France. A celebrated animal painter who lived according to her own rules.


Cecilia Beaux

Cecilia Beaux, born 1855 in Philadelphia. One of America's greatest portrait painters.


Berthe Morisot

Berthe Morisot, born 1841 in France. The first woman member of the Impressionists.


Anna Ancher

Anna Ancher, born in 1859 in Denmark. The woman who broke new boundaries in Danish art.